Ski Conditioning at The Aspen Club.

Ski Conditioning @ The Aspen Club.Everybody knows that A.Party has a body that's built for comfort. The truth is I work it pretty hard for an old cuddly dude who got in 106 ski days last season. I owe a debt of gratitude to my brothers and sisters at The Aspen Club and the group ski conditiong classes they offer.
The thing about Aspen...there is really no "recreational" division. Most of the locals love to compete. Whether its the ladies who lunch comparing laps on Smuggler or the bro-brah's posing for ski mags, hucking cliffs and getting 200 ski days per year. The Gentleman of Aspen Rugby Club recruits players from all over the world, the parks & rec hockey league provides ice-time to former pros, the biking is phenomenal and you can't forget about the world class athletes who train at The Aspen Club. Aspen takes it's Ski Conditioning seriously.
Plyometrics will get you in shape every time.For what has become an annual ritual for many in Aspen, Ski Conditioning at The Aspen Club is no picnic. Every season, Amy and her gang of hired guns put together a program that gets everbody ready to shred. A-Spin attends the noon sessions on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. There is a 5.30 session on those days too. The music is loud and the work out room gets hot and steamy. We start off with 30 minutes of stretching and fast paced step aerobics. We then get 30 minutes of circuit training with a wide variety of exercises. Stressing balance, power, agility and speed the short sets employ Bosu and Medicine balls, TRX, ladder drills, plyometrics, speed skating, sprints and more. It's fast, it's sweaty and I love the variety. 5 minutes of wall sitting, squat pumps and see-saws forces everyone's quads to burn. The 30 minute, so called "cool down" phase is were the pedal meets the medal. Cool Down makes me think of dimmed lights and mellow music and a few stretches. At The Aspen Club, cool down translates into a series of intense exercises featuring balance discs, weighted bars and a lot of planking.
Planking is more than just a fad.
After that I can barely negotiate the stairs to get to the steam room. There's nothing better than a good "schvitz", and The Aspen Club has the best in town. The piles of clean towels, the sandals and the rack of razors are like comfort food to me. 5 minutes in the steam is a great reward for all the hard work.
Amy makes me sweat.Don't worry, I can still pound as many In-N-Out Double, Doubles (animal style) as anybody. Today was tough, it was freezing, it snowed a foot, I was out late, and maybe a little hung over. I had to push myself to show up at The Aspen Club. Luckily the 12 Lu Lu Lemon clad ladies and the rest of my classmates inspired me to concentrate on my posture and fitness and pushed me to my limit. Ski Conditioning at The Aspen Club is never bad, even when it hurts, it's still good One thing is for certain, the snow stoke is starting, and thanks to The Aspen Club and the trainers the entire student body and I will be ready to rip on Thanksgiving.
Fast paced step aerobics are part of Ski conditioning at The Aspen Club.
Circuit training stresses Balance, Speed, Power and Agility.
The speed skating drills helps to engage those skiing muscles.
The Wall Squats are designed to burn your quads. start with a minute and increse from there.