Freeskier and the Shred Testers

#FreeskierFest in Aspen. Click 4 siiiiick pix.Aspen Mountain is normally the home mountain to plenty of ripping skiers. During Freeskier Magazine's annual #Freeskierfest, Aspen Mountain becomes the absolute center of the free-riding shredder universe. Every March, a rotating crew of about 40 testers, some of the most talented free skiers in the Rocky Mountain Region, ride & rate every ski in the world. The testers get to try out and critque the full quiver of next year's skis.
Jacuzzi action @FreeskierFest in Aspen. Click 4 pix.So for the 3rd year in a row there's an extra-large posse of super-gnarly, big mountain two-plankers on Ajax for #freeskierfest. Those guys and gals you see straight lining in The Dumps or sending back flips on Walsh's or negotiating the Ridge of Bell at very, very high rates of speed are probably Freeskier testers.
Freeskier's visit to Aspen culminated with a full on Fash Bash at Sky Hotel's 39 Degrees, the #1 après ski spot in Aspen. Spyder and Carlsberg Beer joined forces to present next year's outerwear collections with a poolside fashion show at the Sky. A huge crowd gathered at 39 Degrees in anticipation of the show. The weather was perfect. Lucky wrist banders drank for free in the VIP as local models did what they do...they modeled. The skiers strutted their stuff on the catwalk, the brand managers iced each other repeatedly. The pool deck at the Sky Hotel took on a life of its own.
Several fully dressed models ended up in the obviously the event was a tremendous success.
Fashion is the passion at #FreeskierFest at The Sky Hotel. Click 4 pix.
Models doing what they do...they model. At #FreeskierFest. in Aspen. Click 4 pix.
Full on Modeling at FreeskierFest in Aspen. Click 4 more siiiiiiiiiick pix.
Jamie from Spyder got iced in front of 300 of his closest aquaintances in Aspen.
All the Models into the pool. Freeskier Fest in Aspen was a HUGE success. Click 4 pix.