Aspen: The Land of FREE.

When you live in a place where the average price of a single family home exceeds $5 Million, getting some FREE STUFF is da bomb. AspenSpin has fully embraced the swag lifestyle and the 61st Annual WinterSkol weekend in Aspen kept us fully engaged and entertained all weekend without spending a penny. That's right...we jammed for the entire weekend without dipping into our pocket once. Niiiiice.
The skiing is still our main focus, and you may have read about the below average snowpack in the Rocky Mountains and the Western U.S. as reported by the NEW YORK TIMES....but it's still plenty fun in Aspen, Colorado. There's no doubt we could use some snow...but there is nothing wrong with ripping laps on finely groomed cordouroy, feeling the wind and sun in your face, enjoying the awesome mountains that Mother Nature has given us. Sure some of the double diamonds are closed and many of steeper runs have rocks, stumps and other unmarked obstacles in the way...but that's why they invented ROCK SKIS.
Winterskol 2012 in Aspen. Click 4 Pix.Winterskol is Aspen's annual celebration of Winter that is held during the second week in January. There was a whole slate of FUN and FREE events...something for everyone. Winterskol is by far the best thing that the Aspen Chamber of Commerce does. The locals and tourists both love Winterskol and all the activities are FREE.
We also watched a lot of compelling NFL playoff football. While TIM TEBOW and the Denver Broncos were blown off the field by the Patriots we simply continued to enjoy Winterskol with absolutely zero cash outflow. Since there are plenty of New Englanders in Aspen...there were plenty of "friendly rivalries" in the bars of Aspen. I was a little surprised at the poor sportsmanship displayed by some of the New England fans. Heads up to the Beantowners ---try winning with's waaaay cool.
FREE HIGHLIGHTS from Winterskol include:
MEN's and WOMEN's HEALTH VIP TENT: Free massages and a sick 02 bar. Free food and drinks and bags filled with swag... all this at the base of Ajax.
SOUPSKOL: 30 Aspen Restaurants ladling out free soup to thousands of people and a very competitive soup-off, won by Ute City Grill.
KING and QUEEN of WINTERSKOL. Congratulations to Ted and Christy Sauer Mahon.
THE WHEELER OPERA HOUSE: Free Shows on both Friday and Saturday Night in the historic venue.
ICE SCULPTURE Comp. FIREWORKS on Ajax,Fashion A DOGGIE FASHION SHOW, Free Kettle Corn and Cotton Candy and the AIR FORCE ACADEMY BAND and CLOWNS.
In the Soup. Yalonda and Sharon competing at SoupSkol.
THE RED ONION serving up hot soup to thousands in Aspen. Click 4 more pix.
The King and Queen of Winterskol 2012. Long may they reign. Ted and Christy Sauer Mahon.
Sector 7G jamming for FREE at the historic WHEELER OPERA HOUSE for Winterskol.
Over 50 dogs entered the Canine Fashion Show in Aspen during Winterskol. click 4 more pix.