The Party Wars / New Year's Eve 2013 in Aspen.

The Sky Hotel: A raging NYE Party in Aspen.It was a typical sh*t show for New Year's Eve 2013 in Aspen. The town was at 110% occupancy. Every NYE event was sold out. There were 2 sets of fireworks, tons of extra security and more sparkly dresses and fur coats than anyone could count.
Click 4 pix: THE PARTY WARS
As you know...everybody in Aspen goes huge...all the time...especially for New Year's Eve. This year NYE seemed relatively uneventful; No bomb threat, no blizzard, no lingerie was all pretty status quo. Good clean fun.
This year, for safety reasons, we limited ourselves to the TBR...3 block radius. We managed to squeeze in 4 events. A private dinner (off the record), The Limelight Party, The Sky Hotel Party and last call at The Red Onion...our neighborhood favorite.
The Boyz pulled a rabbit out of their hat at The Limelight: Christian Messner, Ian Mclendon and Peter Cohn threw their traditional NYE bash with a new and improved business model. Lots of "fly-in" talent from L.A. and "drive-in" talent from Denver, and everyone left their inhibitions at the door. The potent mix included lots of international tourists, a few ski instructors, some ski bums and other locals. The micro-est of mini-skirts and extended lines of credit described the scene. Things went a little haywire after Midnight.
Click the Pix: THE PARTY WARS
THE SKY HOTEL took it to the next level with their annual New Year's Eve soiree. This bash had more of an East Coast vibe with lots of friendly visitors from New York and Miami. Beautiful people were everywhere. "Open Bar ALL NIGHT" attracts a certain type of partier...those that like to pound cocktails. So things got crazy. As midnight approached...anticipation ran high...the party was peaking. Click: THE PARTY WARS
Security was tight.. Staying safe on NYE in Aspen.Our disciplined approach to NYE also had a "street" factor. The Sky and The Limelight are only 3 blocks legally within our self-imposed TBR. A little local birdy told us that the competing party promoters had some minor social skirmishes in the days leading up to NYE. I'm happy to announce that both events were SOLD OUT.
Walking the streets after 1:30 on NYE provided some ripe photo-ops for Aspen Spin. The streets were filled with stumbling drunk revelers. One last stop; our favorite, THE RED ONION. Just to see what was what. It was late...people had been partying hard. The Onion had it going on. The Best Bar Crew in town. Click: THE PARTY WARS.
It was a long night. Happy New Year to everyone. Happy and Healthy in 2013 from AspenSpin.
Guess who won the Party? These guys had it going on at The Limelight. Click for more pix.
The Usual Suspects at The Sky Hotel. ALL NIGHT LONG for NYE. Click 4 pix.
California Girls going BIG in Aspen for NYE. Click for pix.
This guy won a spontaneous "Dance Off" on NYE 2013 in Aspen. Click 4 pix.
Last Call at The Red Onion. Click 4 pix.
The BEST bar crew in Aspen. NYE 2013 at The Red Onion. Click for more sick pix.