Hyper-Local in Aspen

Aspen is a small mountain town at the end of the road, but it's unlike any ski town in America. In addtion to a semi-thriving tourism business Aspen also has the 3 C's; Community, Camaraderie and Culture. Aspen maintains a tightly knit, highly nuanced social fabric unlike most resort towns. This allows the Locals and the Tourists to coexist in harmony (mostly). Hollywood has it's TMZ (Thirty Mile Zone)...but Aspen has THE TBR...The Three Block Radius.
Last night AspenSpin pulled a Quad in the TBR, 4 events all within the three block radius. Niiiiice.
Get the Girls Out Day on Ajax for SheJumps.org.SHEJUMPS.org had their first ever "Get the Girls Out Day" on Aspen Mountain as well several other ski hills throughout the U.S. SHEJUMPS.org strives to increase female participation in out door activities by building a supportive community.
ASPEN YOGA SOCIETY hosted their first-ever Yoga Rave last night. An awesome DJ, a big room and plenty of stretching and dancing. ASPEN YOGA SOCIETY uses yoga as a tool to discover and maximize human potential.
HOCKEY 4 HOPE. The Aspen Police vs. The Mother Puckers in an ice-hockey tilt to support THE ASPEN HOPE CENTER. The 2nd annual grudge match raised money and awareness for The Aspen Hopeline (970-925-5858) a 24 hour mental support phone-line. Click 4 pix: Hockey 4 Hope.
SPELL WHAT? The first ever full contact spelling bee featuring Aspen Celebs in support of THE ASPEN YOUTH CENTER (AYC). For 20 years AYC has provided a safe place for thousands of Roaring Fork Valley kids to be a kid. It's place to connect, learn and grow. Spell What? was a highly contested, highly public spell off and raised BIG bucks for AYC. Click 4 pix: Spell What?
Yoga Rave with the Aspen Yoga Society. click 4 pix.
Inside the huddle with The Mother Puckers at Hockey 4 Hope. click 4 pix.
Aspen Ski co. CEO Mike Kaplan and Aspen Mayor, Mick Ireland on the hot seat at Spell What? for the Aspen Youth Center. click for pix.