Aspen: Storm before the Storm

Rumors are running rampant in Aspen about an early opening on Ajax. After 6" to 8" of FRESHIES fell on Tuesday stoking the fire, the talk around town was viral. Several anonymous sources have indicated that Aspen Skiing Company executives have lowered the "cone of silence" to discuss a possible 11/20/10 start date for ski season 2010/11. No official word yet---but we think Ski Co. will stick with the Thanksgiving Opening (11/25). We will see you there.
Local Aspen ski-mountaineers Chris Davenport and Ted Mahon managed to get a few early turns in on Back of Bell on 11/16/10. These 2 guys usually don't stay in bounds---so you know it must be good if they are taking laps on Ajax. One mystery remains--did the boyz "earn their turns" by skinning up the mountain?? A-Spin's sources indicate that Dav and Ted were given special dispensation for their years of service to the we're guessing they rode up.
SNORKEL SHOTS on Back of BELL. YES PLEASE!!! SKIER: Chris Davenport PHOTO: Ted Mahon.
Early Season Skiing on Ajax. Chris Davenport / Snorkel Shots. Photo: Ted Mahon
Aspen Ski Company Board Room: "Should we open early?" "I dunno, should we?"

Reader Comments (1)
special dispensation?
Just to keep it going, I won't say how we got up there.