Cash Money Tweeters.

Social Media thought leaders @briansolis and @Pistachio at TwtrconTWTRCON is Business in Real Time. TWTRCON SF 2010 in San Francisco was a HUGE success. Business leaders, geeks, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, new media innovators, content creators and one ski bum gathered to discuss.......Twitter.
TWTRCON has blown up since the first event in May 2009 (see our 2009 take It's Twitter, bitches.) More than 6,500 FourSquare check ins occured from across the planet asTwtrcon was live streamed on JustinTV. The #twtrcon hashtag had several million impressions and Twtrcon was the top trending twitter topic in San Francisco on the day of of the con. A-Spin spoke on the panel twitter for small business ..... we killed it.....obviously.
Click for more PIX. TWTRCON
Brevity is a blessing in the Twitterverse . AspenSpin gives you a few observations:
* LISTEN !!! Twitter is real time and its a great sentiment indicator.
* There are no rules, twitter is untamed. Best practices are still being established--and they change at the speed of light. Etiquette exists, so be careful. Keep it interesting.
* Analytics and data are extremely powerful. "If you ain't trackin' ...its just noise"
@scottmonty from @ford and @cotweet at TWTRCON SF 2010* Engage, Engage, Engage...that means different things to different people,brands, industries etc.
* Authenticity is key. Team tweeting is a good tool, just show some I.D.
* Per @maksim " You don't earn your reputation by talking, you earn your reputation by listening"
* Per @Southwestair "We're a customer service company... that flies planes"
* Per @Avinash HITS = How Idiots Track Stats.
* Monetizing social media is proving to be a tricky situation but per @bhuberman . "money follows attention" and "attention is the scarce commodity".
*Per @pistachio Listen, Learn, Care, Serve
* Per @aspenspin "I use a tool, its called real life"
Special Thanks to Modern Media , @tonia_ries and @anneweiskopf & the whole MM team. Great job!! Feel free to quote me. #twtrcon in SF was a stone cold groove.
Adam Bain the new Director of REVENUE at twitter makes his point to Kara Swisher
twitter legend @adventuregirl
@avinash "godfather of google analytics".
@theroxy and @aspenspin and the small business panel brought the tweet heat..
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