4 Questions for Aspen.

The Wise Son asks...Why is this election different?Why is this election in Aspen different than other elections in Aspen ?
Answer...it's not. I have 4 questions for the people of Aspen; Answers provided below.
1) If you owned a $100 million business...would you want one guy signing off on all the financial decisions?
2) What are the traditional power brokers of Aspen afraid of?
3) Do you want a town full of big square boxes?
4) Why is Wagner Park still closed?
1) No
2) Unintended consequences (a more nebulus concept does not exist)
3) No
4) I don't know?
It's easy to be a critic and difficult to be a leader.
A few follow up points; 1) Who do you think is watching the money at The City of Aspen? Somebody on City council should be. I'm willing to take on that role. It doesn't appear as if anyone else is doing it.
2) Re: Ref 1. What is the ACRA / Ski Co. / Industrial Growth Complex afraid of? Unintended consequences? What does that even mean? I'd like one specific example even a hypothetical one to describe the desire to "Vote Know". Are they concerned that someone besides them will the "buy an election"? Maybe they're worried that the citizens of Aspen will make a poor decision? I walk by several poor decisions every day. One of them is 47 feet tall and looks like a picnic basket. But that "gift to the city" is a done deal and I do love Art.
3) Big square boxes. Look around town. Check out some of the construction sites. The bull dozers and giant cranes and the back hoes. Well... get used to it ho. With the new City Hall, the new airport, the new $8 million errrrrrr $10 million bus stop there will be plenty of heavy machinery in town. Smell the fumes, dudes. Aspen ain't a ski town anymore its a construction town.
4)What Ev's. Andy's bent out of shape about the park. Yeah...think about it...that park is closed more than its open. Why? It's not because of Food and Wine or Ruggerfest or X Games Concerts or the bike race or Art in the Park or even Snow Polo. It's because our fabulous leaders feel the need to spend our money somehow...and putting up fences and tarps seems like a good way to blow some excess cash. Also see; drainage...for catch-all spending sprees.
So maybe I'm the fool. I'm the one willing to sit in the basement at City Hall every Monday night for 4 years. I'm the one willing to listen to all the bull-sh*t that walks through that door. I see all the saviors of Aspen rolling through the S curves in their dump trucks.
Look around you folks. See the beauty. Enjoy the mountains, the forrests, the rivers and all the natural wonders by which Aspen has been blessed. That's what it's all about.
Please vote. Hopefully for me.