Squirm Night in Aspen...a non event.

Say what you want about Aspen politics, or we'll say it for you...its boring. Squirm Night 2011 was basically a non-event. 6 candidates vying for 2 city council seats had their chance to perform in front of the media, the public and a live TV audience. Run-on questions were followed by run-on answers with very few salient points made. It always seems like the same faces on the dais and in the audience which leads to very few "new ideas" being discussed. Board memberships, meetings, studies and hypothetical questions were debated for 2 minutes at a time. It really doesn't matter who gets elected, its going to be same ol' same ol' in Aspen politics. Lots of talk and lots of ill will. We'll go on record to endorse Steve Skadron for re-election. He works hard, he has the city's best interest at heart and he deserves to continue, although why he would want to is beyond comprehension. As for the other seat on city council... pick 'em. All 5 of the other candidates seem to have a real desire to get involved, they all love Aspen...but none of the others distinguished themselves so you pick'em.
As for the Mayorial candidates. Andrew Kole...no comment, why bother. Ruth Kruger...she seems a little loose on the details, not a good starting point. Mick Ireland appears poised to retain his position of Mayor of Aspen. Mick gets a bad rap---his impatience gets in his way---but he's doing the best he can. The "pro business" crowd that wants bring him down has lost sight of what should be a primary goal of all Aspen residents---to enjoy a beautiful day.
We thought Squirm Night would result in a packed house. On the contrary plenty of seats were available. Squirm Night appears to be a microcosm for Aspen politics. All talk.
The 6 Candidates vying for 2 city council seats. You pick 'em.
Mayorial Candidates....are we having fun yet?