LIGHT it up BLUE Rocks Out in Aspen...hard.

Light It Up Blue in Aspen. Hardest rocking party in Aspen.I gave you guys the heads up. Light It Up Blue, Aspen was the hardest rocking party of the year. Light it Up Blue (LIUB), Aspen, in it's 5th year benefiting Ascendigo rocked out...hard last night. LIUB is an international event that raises awareness for autism in conjunction with Autism Speaks. In Aspen, LIUB directly benefits Ascendigo, a program that strives to enhance the health, life abilities personal growth and social engagement of those who suffer from autism.
Click Ascendigo for more info.
Special thanks to Julie Royer Manning who co-chaired this years LIUB, Aspen with Stephen Olitsky. Julie and her family deal with autism every single day. Julie's daughter Olivia is a camper at Ascendigo's Summer Camp in Aspen. Olivia loves Ascendigo and it's program has directly enhanced her life. Through Ascendigo, Olivia comes out of her special world to ride horses, wake board, river raft and more. She has developed meaningful relationships with the staff and other campers. According to Julie, Olivia's transformation is "simply amazing". Olivia is one of 500 beneficiaries of Ascendigo's work in the Roaring Fork Valley.
Mingling with the band. #liubaspenThe party was first class all the way. The presenting sponsor, Sentient Jet and party planner Aspen Eventworks pulled out all the stops. The Hotel Jerome Ballroom was bedazzled in blue. Celebrity guests included World Champion ski racer Bode Miller and Dr. Jennifer Berman and Dr. Andrew Ordon from the Emmy winning TV show, The Doctors. The ladies in the house were resplendant in their finest blue cocktail attire. The guys....meh. Just kidding, the men looked good too.
The food. OMG!! It was a baccanahal. The seafood tower was again the most popular food station. Enough lobster, shrimp and crab to feed an army of hungry philanthropists. The silent and live auctions had fantastic items...including a ski day with Bode Miller that fetched $17,000.
After dinner and a short program...the lights went down...and THE MONSTER ALL-STAR BAND took the stage. Composed of hard-rocking members of Fuel, Puddle of Mudd, The Ted Nugent Band, Lynyrd Skynyrd and Blind Melon. Leading the rock n roll charge were Derek St Holmes on vocals and guitar, Peter Keys on the 88's and Travis Warren on vocals. The Monster All-Star's rendition of Cat Scratch Fever may have actually blown the roof off the Hotel Jerome. They followed that up with Stranglehold which definately had the whole neighborhood jamming out. In my opinion, the clear highlight was the final number, With A Little Help From My Friends, which had the entire intimate venue dancing and singing along.
Everyone loved the ear splitting rock and roll and the all-u-can-eat lobster tower, but no one in the room forgot why we were there. Light it Up Blue, Aspen, Ascendigo and kids like Olivia need our help. Thanks to a SRO crowd of generous patrons at LIUB, and adults with autism in the Roaring Fork Valley are the benficiaries.
It was another great night in Aspen, Colorado.
Bode Miller one of the greatest ski racers of all-time at #LIUBASPEN
Gary DePersia lighting it up Blue in Aspen.
Julie Royer Manning, Co-chair of #liubaspen with her PNW crew and her Mom at Light It Up Blue , Aspen
Sallie Bernard and Dr. Jennifer Berman flank (help me out with this guys name) at Light It Up Blue Aspen
Andy Andersson from Fuel on Lead and Derek St Holmes of the Ted Nugent Band got down in Aspen.
It was a jam. Light It Up Blue , Aspen.